Friday, November 23, 2012

Roman Bunnies

Roman Bunnies

Main Character: A noble lion tamer’s child who is plagued by fluffy bunnies

Setting: The days of the Roman Empire, in a strange lost city within a different dimension

Plot: A narrow escape from a fiendish trap

                The boy’s father walked to the boy’s quarters and opened the door. A wave of white fluffy bunnies over took him and then ran away into the floating house. He fell to the floor and brushed off his shirt, small paw prints riddled the fabric. He didn’t think anything of it when he yelled to the boy: “Cladius, it’s time to wake up.” The boy wriggled in his bed with a bunny on his head and slowly opened his eyes. “Yes father, I’ll get up soon.” “No, you get up now! Today is a special day, we have some important quests. Caligula will be landing on the house in two hours, along with his trusted horse.

                Cladius’s father is a noble lion tamer who spends his day doing exactly that, taming lions. He sells the lions to customers who pay a hefty price for them. The Serbian lions are the flavor of the month; African lions are still very popular. He has a special taming room, within his floating house, where the lions meet him and feel at ease. He uses a collection of scents and massaging to tame the lions. This is his passion, he’s been doing this for the past twenty years. The income from selling the lions has paid for Cladius’s education. He’s a young boy, but a very good student.

                Cladius emerged from his bed and brushed off the fluffy white bunny. He dressed and walked down to the kitchen, a trail of bunnies followed him. Father served the boy eggs and wine, along with bacon and sausage. The boy could barely eat when a helicopter landed on the roof. “Yes, that must be Caligula and the horse, his second in command!” The boy watched as his father ran to the attic, a cluster of bunnies ran out of the way and piled on Cladius, he fell over and laughed uncontrollably. The bunnies have plagued him since his birth, but they’re friendly and harmless.

                Father led Caligula and the horse into the kitchen to meet Cladius. The emperor’s face was all distorted and angular, much like everyone else, but his was more pronounced. Then he talked: “Thank you sir for letting me into your home and meeting your child. I have but one request; let me see you tame this lion I brought. A surpise! Wonderful. Father loves challenges. “Perfect, into the taming quarters we shall go.”

                Father released the lion from his cage and stood back in anticipation. The beast lunged for Claudius with large teeth bared. Father jumped in front of him and wrestled the beast to the ground. Caligula and his horse soon disappeared, leaving in his helicopter. Father killed the beast with his bare hands and ran over to his son.  

                Previously that day, Caligula injected the lion with a rage virus and conditioned it to attack the young Claudius. He is the next in line to be emperor. Caligula was hoping he would be killed by the lion. His plan, however, failed. Claudius will grow up to take over the role from the mad Caligula and rule the empire.  

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